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# 31.08.2018 - 10:25:09
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ROME , Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- Italy's cabinet disclosed a plan to overhaul the public school system on Wednesday, publishing a blueprint that would allocate up to 3 billion euros (3.9 billion U.S. dollars) to give permanent contracts to 148,100 teachers currently working as substitutes.

This provision would be implemented by the end of 2015, according to the plan.

Some 80,000 of those teachers would work as full-time staff in nurseries and primary schools and other 20,000 in secondary schools http://www.officialsunsprostor...m/kids-jason-kidd-suns-jersey/ , while the rest would keep working as replacements when needed, yet with a permanent settlement.

After stabilizing all current temporary employees, the blueprint suggests teacher recruitment would be done only through a public competition nationwide every three years. In this perspective, Italy's cabinet forecasted some more 40,000 young teachers will be needed up to 2018, in order to replace those who are close to retirement.

Italian public school system currently employs 600 http://www.officialsunsprostor...m/kids-grant-hill-suns-jersey/ ,800 full-time teachers and 154,000 substitutes, according to Ministry of Education data.

The blueprint was called "The good school" and unveiled through a government's official website launched early this week to show the cabinet's whole reform agenda and allow people to follow step-by-step its implementation along a timeline starting from September 2014 and ending on May 2017.

With regards to the school reform, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's cabinet decided to leave the blueprint 'open' to possible changes according to what comments would come by Italian society.

The ministry of education has in fact advocated a popular on-line consultation starting from September 15th, and appealed directly to those directly involved in the issue, such as teachers http://www.officialsunsprostor.../kids-george-king-suns-jersey/ , students, parents, and experts, to have their say. Deadline to submit suggestions will be November 15th.

Another key point of the reform would impact rules of teacher career advancement in Italy's public education system. The current model, which provides automatic salary's increases by seniority only, would be replace with a more meritocratic system in order to allocate increases or plan new hiring on the base of teachers' academic performance.

Another change would make teachers easier to move throughout the country http://www.officialsunsprostor...m/kids-elie-okobo-suns-jersey/ , with every single school allowed to keep a teacher for at least 3 years.

The teaching of music, arts, and drawing would be increased in primary schools, along with English lessons. Economy would also be introduced as a subject in secondary schools of all kinds.

To address a well-known "weakness" of Italians with respect to foreign languages, the plan suggests the teaching of at least one academic subject in English language only, which is to become a must in the final year of all secondary schools from this autumn http://www.officialsunsprostor...ids-dragan-bender-suns-jersey/ , should become compulsory since primary schools.

The plan also suggests an increased alternation between education and work, with at least 200 hours of apprenticeship required to every pupil over the last three years of technical and vocational schools.

The reform might be implemented by cabinets' decree in January 2015, after the public consultation has been closed, Italy's Education minister Stefania Giannini said. She pledged the cabinet would find resources to cover the plan.

According to a 2013 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report, Italy spent 3.2 percent of its gross domestic product on its public educational system in 2010, less that all the other euro zone countries.

According to the same report , however, Italian teachers' average salary is also among the lowest in the euro zone and remains below the OECD average.

WELLINGTON, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand's current account deficit narrowed to 1.6 billion NZ dollars (1.18 billion U.S. dollars) in the June 2017 quarter, the country's statistics department Stats NZ said on Wednesday.

This smaller deficit was due to a record high of 1.3 billion NZ dollars services surplus and a smaller primary income deficit, said a Stats NZ statement.

New Zealand exported a record 5.8 billion NZ dollars worth of services in the June quarter, while importing a record 4.5 billion NZ dollars worth of services http://www.officialsunsprostor...ids-deandre-ayton-suns-jersey/ , Stats NZ said.

The increase in services exports was driven by 3.7 billion NZ dollars worth of spending by overseas travelers in New Zealand, which are the largest-ever exports of travel services, it said, adding that part of this increase was due to the World Masters Games in April, and the British and Irish Lions Rugby tour to New Zealand in the June and September quarters.

Overall, the goods and services balance for New Zealand in the June 2017 quarter was a surplus of 834 million NZ dollars http://www.officialsunsprostor.../kids-dan-majerle-suns-jersey/ , the department said.

Finance Minister Steven Joyce said that "better than expected balance of payments figures" underscore the strength of both the services and goods sectors of the New Zealand economy.

Wednesday's result is "one of the dividends of an increasingly diversified economy," with both services and goods exports performing well in the quarter, Joyce said, adding that "the days of New Zealand as a one-trick economy are behind us," and the government's strong economic plan should continue to further diversify and grow the economy.

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